A Haven for Cigar Lovers
Experience the Ultimate Destination for Cigar Enthusiasts in Central Texas.
Conveniently situated at the Lakeway Plaza, Speakeasy Cigar Bar is Lakeway's exclusive full-service cigar lounge, featuring a well-stocked humidor room and free sweepstakes games. Our meticulously curated humidor offers an extensive selection of the finest cigars available in the industry. Guests can relax in our clean, comfortable, and inviting atmosphere while enjoying a premium cigar and savoring expertly crafted cocktails. Join us at Lakeway's premier location to indulge in the finest cigars and handcrafted cocktails in Central Texas. Open Daily from 3 pm to 12 am.
Nestled in the western region of Travis County, Lakeway occupies a prime location on the southern shore of Lake Travis within the picturesque Texas Hill Country. Situated approximately 25 miles west of downtown Austin, Lakeway is a premier resort community offering an array of amenities, including golf courses, tennis courts, marinas, a private airport, a luxurious hotel and spa, a 65-mile-long lake, 100 acres of parkland and trails, and nearly 500 acres of greenbelts. Renowned for its exceptional quality of life, Lakeway is widely regarded as one of the most desirable small cities in the Austin metropolitan area.